Using colors that are consistent between different browsers and operating systems can be quite a challenge.  We’re working on a new north Georgia web design this week and really struggling to find the right shade of green.  What looks good on one monitor is just a little off on another one.

A good idea when discussing colors is to work off the same sheet of music…or color in this case.  A great place to start is Wikipedia’s web color page –

Here’s the list of “X11 colors” from the CSS3 specification. While you may notice a slight difference in color between some systems, these work great for most designs.

HTML nameHex code
R   G   B
Decimal code
R   G   B
Red colors
IndianRedCD 5C 5C205 92 92
LightCoralF0 80 80240 128 128
SalmonFA 80 72250 128 114
DarkSalmonE9 96 7A233 150 122
LightSalmonFF A0 7A255 160 122
CrimsonDC 14 3C220 20 60
RedFF 00 00255 0 0
FireBrickB2 22 22178 34 34
DarkRed8B 00 00139 0 0
Pink colors
PinkFF C0 CB255 192 203
LightPinkFF B6 C1255 182 193
HotPinkFF 69 B4255 105 180
DeepPinkFF 14 93255 20 147
MediumVioletRedC7 15 85199 21 133
PaleVioletRedDB 70 93219 112 147
Orange colors
LightSalmonFF A0 7A255 160 122
CoralFF 7F 50255 127 80
TomatoFF 63 47255 99 71
OrangeRedFF 45 00255 69 0
DarkOrangeFF 8C 00255 140 0
OrangeFF A5 00255 165 0
Yellow colors
GoldFF D7 00255 215 0
YellowFF FF 00255 255 0
LightYellowFF FF E0255 255 224
LemonChiffonFF FA CD255 250 205
LightGoldenrodYellowFA FA D2250 250 210
PapayaWhipFF EF D5255 239 213
MoccasinFF E4 B5255 228 181
PeachPuffFF DA B9255 218 185
PaleGoldenrodEE E8 AA238 232 170
KhakiF0 E6 8C240 230 140
DarkKhakiBD B7 6B189 183 107
Purple colors
LavenderE6 E6 FA230 230 250
ThistleD8 BF D8216 191 216
PlumDD A0 DD221 160 221
VioletEE 82 EE238 130 238
OrchidDA 70 D6218 112 214
FuchsiaFF 00 FF255 0 255
MagentaFF 00 FF255 0 255
MediumOrchidBA 55 D3186 85 211
MediumPurple93 70 DB147 112 219
BlueViolet8A 2B E2138 43 226
DarkViolet94 00 D3148 0 211
DarkOrchid99 32 CC153 50 204
DarkMagenta8B 00 8B139 0 139