

3 SEO Pillars

Entrepreneur Magazine asks the question "Is SEO dead?".  The answer is a solid NO! Savvy small business owners are learning to avoid the SEO snake oil and stay focused on the 3 pillars of a [...]

Is it Time for a Website Redesign?

Writing about the benefits of redesigning your website feels a little self-serving, but let me share some benefits of a website makeover. Make it Mobile It's clear that mobile usage will continue to grow at [...]

5 Simple Steps to Spot an SEO Scam

We're often asked our opinion about SEO offers someone received in an email.  Here are 5 keys to spot an SEO charlatan: 1. Unsolicited email or contact through your website 2. Sender uses a free [...]

Premier ASQ Section Website Created for ASQ Atlanta

North Georgia Web Design firm, Frogtown Web Design, launches ASQ Section Website for ASQ Atlanta ATLANTA, GEORGIA – November 30, 2013 – Frogtown’s North Georgia Web Design is excited to announce the re-launch of, [...]

Protecting your WordPress site from Brute Force Attacks

Last month there was a worldwide, highly-distributed attack against WordPress websites.  The attacks were a brute force attack of WordPress admin pages where they tried thousands of passwords. While none of Frogtown's North Georgia Web Design [...]

How to resize images for your website or blog

Need to crop, resize, flip, rotate or add special effects to an image? is a free web-based tool that allows you to upload and edit your images.  The tool comes in very handy when [...]

How to control your website description on Facebook status

I'm sure you've noticed that Facebook automatically includes a picture, title and description when you include a website URL in your status update.  Facebook gets that information from your website's metadata.  If you're using WordPress, [...]

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